Showing 38 Result(s)

Mindful May – Day 11

The good thing about djembe is anyone can play, you don’t have to be musical to be able to make rhythm. We all have rhythm, we all have a pulse. If you think about it, rhythm is all around us, although we are often unaware of it. Mindfulness is about using your senses to be …

Mindful May – Day 10

Mind Jar or glitter jar/calming jar – whatever you want to call it is a fabulous tool for mindfulness. I have tried many variations of recipes, but find warm water, glitter glue and glitter work the best. It can also be fun and more meaningful to add different ingredients, like love, peace, happiness, etc. by …

Mindful May – Day 9

Think about a dog – they aren’t worried about what they did in the past or what will happen in the future, they are very much in the moment! Introducing (for those of you who don’t already know) Max and Sam. Max is a 6 year old black labrador, who very sadly was diagnosed with …

Mindful May – Day 8

The breathing ball is a great visual representation of the lungs. Take a deep breath as you open the ball to full capacity. Pause for a second and breathe out as you slowly return the ball to its original size. You can use Hoberman Sphere’s (as pictured) or any other expandaball.

Mindful May – Day 7

Start your day the mindful way! We are so often on auto pilot, doing the little things we take for granted without any thought. When you wake up and brush your teeth, really concentrate on what you are doing. Engage your senses, feel the sensation of the toothbrush against your teeth, the bristles against your …

Mindful May – Day 6

Following on from yesterday with our ‘learning ‘theme, these are great free online courses based around the wonderful work of one of the ‘fathers’ of Mindfulness in the Western world Jon Kabat Zinn. This Way Up Intro to Mindfulness Course…/…/intro-to-mindfulness/ Monash University Mindfulness for Wellbeing and Peak Performance…/mindfulness-wellbeing-perform… Paulose Mindfulness Online Mindfulness-Based Stress …

Mindful May – Day 5

MINDFUL MAY DAY 5 Mindfulness is a way of being, a skill that anyone can learn – think about learning to swim, you can’t do it by reading about it and watching from the edge, you have to actually get into the water! There are so many great books out there, these are three our …

Mindful May – May the Fourth Be With You!

We have very busy lives and multi-tasking is now commonplace, as mum’s, we have many plates to spin! Mindfulness is about doing just ONE thing at a time, with FULL AWARENESS. If you are walking, just walk. If you are eating, just eat. If you are brushing your teeth, just brush—instead of trying to get …

Mindful May – Day 3

The first step toward becoming mindful is learning to just notice what you are thinking and feeling, instead of responding to these thoughts and feelings immediately, sit with them and observe them, before you decide what they mean and how to respond. Check out this great clip from Headspace

Mindful May – Day 2

The biggest stress relieving tool we have is one we carry around with us and that is our breath. If you watch a baby breath, you will see they breath really deeply using their diaphragms, so deep into their belly. As we get older and we rush around with our busy lives, we tend to …

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