Showing 38 Result(s)

Mindful May – Day 23

How many times have you driven on automatic pilot? I know I have been guilty of being consumed by so many thoughts, that I haven’t given my full attention to the road and cannot recall the journey – am sure you know what I mean? However, driving is one activity we simply MUST be completely …

Mindful May – Day 22

This is a great mindfulness exercise to ground yourself to the present moment. Pause……notice…. 5 things you can see 4 things you can hear 3 things you can feel (touch) 2 things you can smell 1 deep breath Go about your day!

Mindful May – Day 21

I was at a concert recently and I didn’t notice but Assistant Elf commented on the amount of people on their phones. I can understand them recording it for their future enjoyment and taking a few pictures, I was the same once ?but everywhere we looked we could see people updating their Facebook statuses, recording …

Mindful May – Day 20

Marley and Merlin are having a mindful minute with GoZen and Widdle the Worrier. Marley’s card reads: Be a comic! Breathe in deeply through your nose, breathe out through your mouth.When comic characters have thoughts, you can read them in bubbles above their heads. Close your eyes and imagine you’re a comic. Each time you …

Mindful May – Day 19

“When we walk like (we are rushing), we print anxiety and sorrow on the earth. We have to walk in a way that we only print peace and serenity on the earth… Be aware of the contact between your feet and the earth. Walk as if you are kissing the earth with your feet.” Thich …

Mindful May – Day 18

A lovely mindful activity is the giving of gifts (ones that money cannot buy) What is the greatest gift you have ever been given? Mine is the love of my children, their smiles and the beautiful meaningful conversations we have. Think about the people in your life and give them a gift today What would …

Mindful May – Day 17

Marvel at the Mundane! – We do so many things on automatic pilot, not sure about you but housework is definitely one activity I am often not present on! Think about something you do every single day that you tend to do unconsciously and give it your FULL attention. Stop for a moment. Take a …

Mindful May – Day 16

Weather – love it or loathe it, there is absolutely nothing we can do about it. Try bringing some mindfulness to it though, notice what is happening in your surroundings with the changing seasons and weather. How does it feel on your body? – the heat of the sun, the chill in the winter wind, …

Mindful May – Day 15

Art is such a wonderful way of experiencing mindfulness, expressing yourself in the moment. Although I am not an artist and my drawings resemble those of a four-year-old, I have always enjoyed colouring in. Whoever would have thought it would have become so big though? There are so many adult colouring-in books that claim to …

Mindful May – Day 12

Singing bowls are an amazing tool to help with mindful concentration. Sit with your hands on your lap and eyes open and invite the bell to sing (by striking on the outside with the mallet/hammer or making a circular motion on the rim using the wooden end of the mallet) When you can no longer …

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