We are becoming increasingly aware of the rise of mental health difficulties within children, starting from such a young age. What we often do is wait until they (or even we) are at crisis point before  doing something about it.

Think about our dental health: we do not wait for cavities to appear before we start to care for our teeth. We brush them every day to prevent issues occurring!

Whilst there is no guarantee that we can prevent mental health issues from arising, Helping Elf can provide children with coping strategies to increase their resilience, so they are better equipped to cope with life’s everyday challenges.

Helping Elf works with school communities in the following areas:


Training in all areas of child and youth mental health, including Youth Mental Health First Aid, Staff Well-being

Support with delivery of social and emotional learning programmes, such as Program Achieve (YCDI) and MindUP curriculum



Emotional Health Presentations as appropriate to age group (whole class/ year group/assembly)

Peaceful Kids (Mindfulness and Positive Psychology, Prep – 12)

Helping Our Mental Elf (HoMe) Adaptable to any age

GoZen (Anxiety- Primary)

GoStrengths (Resilience, Grade 6 onwards)

ShineGIRLS (Self-esteem, Grade 6 onwards)

Free to Be (Body Image, Grades 3-12)

What’s the Buzz (Social Skills, Primary)

Friendship Programme (Primary)

Cool Kids Child, Adolescent and ASD (Anxiety, All ages)

Resourceful Adolescent Programme (RAP -A, Grade 6 -8)

All above can be delivered in a whole class or group setting


Relax Kids Classes makes mindfulness deliverable to children of all ages – using well known fairy tales for the younger children, and engaging exercises for the older children. They can be delivered in any classroom to any size of group. The sessions feature research-based techniques such as mindfulness and sensory awareness exercises, physical and mental relaxation, peer and self-massage, movement, stretches and breathing exercises to help students develop a range of social and emotional skills that will enhance their personal and academic skill-set.


Facilitation of drum and rhythm circle (incorporating body percussion and mindfulness) in either a 6-8 week programme or one off workshop.

Also available for staff and parents/carers



Interactive Emotional Health presentations, such as mental health awareness, resilience and anxiety

Presence at health expo’s

Youth Mental Health First Aid (YMHFA ,14-hour course facilitated in two full or four half days)

Relax Kids Just Relax (4 week relaxation programme for parents)

Relax Kids Relaxation Workshop

Resourceful Adolescent Parent Programme (RAP-P)

PACE (Parenting Adolescents a Creative Experience)



One Hour Workshop : $85

Group/Class programme :             

Cost dependent upon number of students, length of programme and resources required.

Lunch /After School Club :

Parent pay per child, cost dependent upon number of children and room hire fee.

Please  Email or Call for further information.

Helping Elf School Brochure

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