Mindful May – Day 5

Mindfulness is a way of being, a skill that anyone can learn – think about learning to swim, you can’t do it by reading about it and watching from the edge, you have to actually get into the water!

There are so many great books out there, these are three our favourites and very easy to read. They give you lots of information, as well as great mindfulness exercises to try so you learn as you do.

10 Mindful Minutes: Giving Our Children And Ourselves The Skills To Reduce Stress And Anxiety.Hawn & Holden (2012) Piatkus ISBN:9780749957667 is a fabulous book that I recommend to all parents. For those of you of a certain age, remember Goldie Hawn – Private Benjamin? She is a real mindfulness guru now, and has created a program for schools called MindUP, check out it out: https://mindup.org/thehawnfoundation/

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