To Do List – Friend or Foe?

What’s your view on ‘to do’ lists?

I realise now I used to spend so much time planning what I had to do, making very elaborate to do lists. I felt very accomplished with my ‘artwork’ (list) with lots of colours and organisation – how could I possibly not achieve all the tasks I set myself?

Of course, most of  these were totally unachievable and as much as I tried to manage my time, there were not many items crossed off. If I did something that wasn’t on the list, I would add it and then cross it off, just so I felt like I had achieved something.

So, I decide to put a stop to the ‘to do lists’ and try and rely on my memory – if something wasn’t done, then surely it was proof that it really wasn’t that important in the first place!

I actually get LOTS more done now and instead of ending my day berating myself for what I HAVEN’T done, I look at what I HAVE done.


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